Oden Mapping Data

Cruise information for Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland (LOMROG) 2007

Download the full cruise report as an PDF file.

The Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland was the primary focus for the LOMROG expedition. This part of the Arctic is virtually unexplored as difficult sea ice conditions have made it inaccessible for surface vessels. With Swedish icebreaker Oden supported by new Russian nuclear icebreaker 50 Let Pobedy (50 Years of Victory), LOMROG managed to reach the southernmost tip of the Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland to carry out multibeam mapping, subbottom and seismic reflection profiling, gravity measurements, geological coring and oceanographic station work. The LOMROG 2007 expedition was a Swedish/Danish collaboration project with participating scientists also from Canada, Finland, and USA. The data collection was made for the purpose of studying paleoceanography/oceanography, glacial history and the tectonic evolution of the of the Arctic Ocean as well as for Denmark's Continental Shelf Project under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Article 76. LOMROG made use of the Konsgsberg EM120 multibeam and SBP120 subbottom profiling system installed on the Oden during the spring of 2007. Despite severe ice conditions (commonly 10/10 north of Greenland) bathymetric multibeam and chirp sonar data were acquired, although, some in some areas the thick sea ice drastically reduced the data quality. A new multibeam survey technique was therefore developed that made it possible for Oden alone to collect high-quality data in 10/10 ice conditions. This technique involves that Oden is spun around 180° in a "pirouette" while acquiring multibeam data in a sector 360° around the ship equal to the multibeam swath width. After one "pirouette" was done, the icebreaker broke ice using its full capacity to the end of the coverage, where a new pirouette was carried out.

Swedish icebreaker Oden and the new Russian icebreaker "50 Let Pobedy" in the hard ice conditions on the Lomonosov Ridge north of Greenland. (Photo Martin Jakobsson).

LOMROG cruise track, station work and seismic profiling. Detailed maps showing station numbers are available in the full cruise report.


The participants of the LOMROG 2007 expedition. In addition, there are several scientists working on the LOMROG data that not took part in the expedition. These are not listed in this table.

LOMROG participants.

Marine geology and paleoceanography project
Scientist/PIJakobsson, MartinStockholm UniversitySweden
ScientistDarby, DennisOld Dominion UniversityUSA
TechnicianEriksson, BjörnStockholm UniversitySweden
ScientistHanslik, DaniellaStockholm UniversitySweden
ScientistHell, BenjaminStockholm UniversitySweden
TechnicianKarasti, MarkusStockholm UniversitySweden
ScientistLöwemark, LudvigStockholm UniversitySweden
ScientistPolyak, LeonidByrd Polar Research CentreUSA
ScientistSellén, EmmaStockholm UniversitySweden
ScientistWallin, ÅsaStockholm UniversitySweden
Denmark's continental shelf project
Scientist/PIMarcussen, ChristianGeological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
ScientistAnthony, Dennis Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and HydrographyDenmark
ScientistDahl-Jensen, Trine Geological Survey of Denmark and
Greenland (GEUS)Denmark
ScientistForsberg, René Danish National Space Center
ScientistFunck, Thomas Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)Denmark
ScientistJanzen, Timothy Canadian Hydrographic ServicesCanada
ScientistLykke-Anderssen, Holger University of AarhusDenmark
ScientistRamløv, Hans Roskilde UniversityDenmark
ScientistRödel, Lars-Georg University of AarhusDenmark
ScientistSølvsten, Morten Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and HydrographyDenmark
ScientistTrinhammer, Per University of AarhusDenmark
ScientistVankilde-Pedersen, Thomas Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)Denmark
Oceanography project
Scientist/PIAndersson, Leif University of GothenburgSweden
Scientist/PIBjörk, Göran University of GothenburgSweden
ScientistEriksson, Patrick Finnish Institute of Marine ResearchFinland
ScientistGårdfeldt, Katarina Chalmers/University of GothenburgSweden
ScientistHjalmarsson, Sofia University of GothenburgSweden
ScientistJutterström, Sara University of GothenburgSweden
ScientistOlsson, Anders University of GothenburgSweden
ScientistNilsson, Johanna University of GothenburgSweden
ScientistZemlyak, Frank Bedford Institute of OceanographyCanada
Logistics and media
Exp. Mgt.Karlqvist. Anders Swedish Polar Research SecretariatSweden
Exp. Mgt.Rickberg, Sofia Swedish Polar Research SecretariatSweden
MediaAndrea Helminen, Suvi STVDenmark
MediaSorento, Kenneth STVDenmark
MDEkblad, Krister Swedish Polar Research SecretariatSweden
IT-manFrejvall, Per Swedish Polar Research SecretariatSweden
PilotAkse, Geir Swedish Polar Research SecretariatSweden
PilotMäki, Thomas Swedish Polar Research SecretariatSweden
Hkp-MekReskow, Mart Swedish Polar Research SecretariatSweden
TeacherSjöö, Carin Fyrisskolan, UppsalaSweden
Icebreaker crew
MasterÅrnell, Tomas Oden CrewSweden
Ch. OfficerAndersson, Erik Oden CrewSweden
2:nd OfficerWisén, Mats Oden CrewSweden
2:nd OfficerWahlberg, Kenneth Oden CrewSweden
BosunHansson, Mats Oden CrewSweden
Able SeamanSjöbom, Einar Oden CrewSweden
Able SeamanHansson, Lars-Åke Oden CrewSweden
Able SeamanNilsson, Jan Oden CrewSweden
Ch. EngineerSkantze, Dan Oden CrewSweden
1:st EngineerHillberg, Markus Oden CrewSweden
2:nd EngineerRundqvist, Jörgen Oden CrewSweden
2:nd EngineerHahne, Martin Oden CrewSweden
OilerBladh, Per Oden CrewSweden
OilerPettersson, Olof Oden CrewSweden
OilerLeth, Aron Oden CrewSweden
Ch. CookAndersson, Lars Oden CrewSweden
MessmanRomero, Hilda Oden CrewSweden
MessmanWahlqvist, Christina Oden CrewSweden
CookSundström, Sandra Oden CrewSweden
FitterLundberg, StellanOden CrewSweden
2:nd OfficerNilsson, Stigbjörn Oden CrewSweden